Posts Tagged ‘scrubbing’

The Kitchen Cure: Go Deep

October 8, 2013

Days 2 and 3 of the kitchen cure were a bit easier for me. They involved taking everything out of the appliance and dish cupboards one day, and the food pantry another. This turned out to be Sunday evening’s chore.

The drill was basically the same: purge, scrub and reorganize. I have done done this fairly recently, and my appliances and cooking tools are well organized. It’s always good to wipe everything down and neaten them up, but this part was  a lot of work, but thankfully uneventful.

Day 4  of the kitchen cure, involved giving the rest of the kitchen a “deep cleaning”. I would say on a weekly basis I am pretty thorough. I take the burners off the stove and run them through the dishwasher. I climb up on the counter to clean the glass hood on the exhaust fan. I wipe down every surface. Seems pretty deep, right? Well today, I went deep.

II thought it was pretty clean until I sprayed the oven cleaner. Gross!

I thought it was pretty clean until I sprayed on the oven cleaner. Gross!

I started with the oven. It wasn’t too bad, (so I thought) since I had given it a baking soda and vinegar wipe down a short while ago. Today, I went in with the big guns and sprayed it down with oven cleaner before I started the refrigerator project.
A few hours later, I was ready to take it on. As soon as I sprayed the cleaner into the oven, everything bubbled up to the surface, and all the “not so visible” grease became a mass of sizzling brown goo.
Armed with opera length rubber gloves, a scrub brush, sponge and a bucket of water, I gingerly opened the oven door.
They call it Easy Off for a reason. I used the brush to scrub the surface, and then gave it a wipe down with the sponge. I had to change the water a couple of times, but the grime came right off! Pleasantly surprised by the ease of my accomplishment, I moved onto the next chore. I tossed the oven racks into the bathtub with about ½ of a bottle of Pine Sol to soak. (Put a towel on the bottom of the tub so the racks don’t scratch it.) The good news: the grease and any caked on food floated right off. The bad news: they still look speckled and discolored. I used Soft Scrub and my handy dandy scrub brush to really get in there, but alas; I dried them and put them back in the oven speckles and all. They are clean, but they aren’t shiny. Sigh.

They call it "Easy Off" for a reason! Gross no more.

They call it “Easy Off” for a reason! Gross no more.

Next, I tackled the stove. I have commercial appliances, and they are not the easiest to clean. Even boiling water leaves spots on the surface, so that gets wiped down almost daily. I took the knobs, burners, burner rims, and center gas flame covers and let them soak while I scrubbed the rest. I generally do this part weekly, but I don’t actually take the entire stove top off, and scrub around the inside with a toothbrush like I did today. I used baking soda and vinegar for this and it worked wonders. I have a large stainless steel pan under the stove that pulls out for cleaning. I gave that a good scrubbing and reassembled everything.

Gleaming, right?

Gleaming, right? Although I do see a streak or two…

I got up on the counter and wiped down the hood.

I took everything out of the drawers and cabinets all around the island and wiped them down. I used an antiseptic wipe to clean each bottle in the spice drawers. I used lemon oil to renew all of the wood surfaces. We’re talking deep!

I organized the cleaning supplies under the sink. (Spencer actually cleaned under there because I thought I saw a mouse. It was just a steel wool pad in the corner, but I was convinced it had a tail. I don’t do tails.)

I cleaned the countertops, backsplash and even the paper towel holder.

I used stainless steel cleaner and a toothbrush to scrub the sink and the teakettle.

It is 9:00 at night, and I have been at this since about 11 am. Since the kitchen and dining room are contiguous, the floors will have to wait until tomorrow and get done all at once, after I finish everything else.

Dinner, you might be asking? Not in my sparkling clean kitchen! Chinese take out, coming right up!

Follow along with us, or go the the kitchn to take the challenge!

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The Kitchen Cure: The Refrigerator

October 7, 2013

I love a good challenge, and if it involves cooking or fitness, I am all in.

When I saw that one of my favorite websites, The Kitchn, was having a 2-week “kitchn cure” you know I was intrigued.

Each weekday for two weeks, the Kitchn folks email you with a project, and let me just say, these are not for the feint of heart, or those short on time. The goal is to get your kitchen into the best shape it can possibly be in, to entice you to use it more.

I don’t need much help to inspire me get me cooking, and I thought I was pretty clean and organized.  I take apart the stove each week, scrub down the counters and try to stay current on spills. We all know I am fanatic about freshness, so there isn’t a lot of old expired condiments or science projects growing in the fridge. I smugly thought this would be “easy, peasy lemon squeezy,” and boy was I wrong.

My first email arrived Monday, requesting that I purge the contents of the refrigerator and freezer, scrub it down, and replace everything in an organized manner. Right away, I knew this wasn’t going to be an after work, after dinner, after tomorrow’s blog post is written kind of project. I decided to take it on over the weekend, and plow through 5 days worth in (hopefully) one.
I only bought the food we were going to consume during the week, so that the contents of my refrigerator were lean. I let B eat all the remaining Trader Joe’s specials for dinner to make sure there was little left in the freezer.

I think it's (gasp) mold! Eww!

I think it’s (gasp) mold! Eww!

After a Pilates class as a warm up, I set about scrubbing the refrigerator. What you are about to see is not for the weak. While I can proudly attest to the fact that there were not sticky, gooey or caked on spots, there was, (gasp) mold growing in the corners. Full disclosure: I knew this was a problem and had cleaned it before, but this time, I was determined to do more than just wipe it off.

I have been trying to be greener in the kitchen, and many of my Kitchen Tips Tuesday posts have been about baking soda and vinegar type stuff for cleaning.  That’s all well and good, but for this job, it was time for something a bit stronger. Something toxic enough to kill this brownish green goo, once and for all. It was time for chemical warfare!

I removed all of the drawers and shelves, and sprayed everything down with Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover with bleach. Short of a nuclear holocaust, that is probably the most toxic thing around, and most likely to get the job done.

I placed all the innards into the bathtub, removed the curtain, and sprayed away. I let it all sit for a while and attacked the refrigerator itself. I wiped it down, and got into every nook and cranny using rags, Q-tips and toothpicks. Yes, I mean EVERY cranny. Then I wiped it again with a little baking soda and water to remove as much of the chemicals as possible, and then carefully dried it.

Goo be gone!

Goo be gone!

I took a brush and scrubbed down all of the shelves and drawers and used Q-tips to get around the little wheels and crevices. I sprayed them with the shower, and dried them as well. Everything is back in place now, and it looks great! The chemical smell has abated, and will let it continue to air out for the rest of the day before placing the food back in it. There is just one little problem…I seem to have an extra part that won’t fit back in. Fellow Sub Zero owners: Does anyone know where the plain white plastic shelf goes?

Clean as a whistle! Do I have to put food in it now?

Clean as a whistle! Do I have to put food in it now?

The oven has been festering in oven cleaner for a few hours…guess what’s next?

If you want to do your own “kitchn cure” you can follow along on their website, or join us here.

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