Posts Tagged ‘cancer fighting’

Tiny Seed; Big Benefits

July 31, 2012

Flaxseed has been around for thousands of years, but its assets are just recently becoming known.

These little seeds pack big benefits, including lowering cholesterol, stabilizing blood sugar, reducing bone loss, promoting weight loss, increasing immunity and fighting cancer.

Flaxseed is high in vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium and manganese, as well as the B vitamins.

It is full of fiber and phytochemicals including many powerful antioxidants.

Flaxseed’s inflammation fighting power comes from being rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, flaxseed oil has a significantly higher percentage of plant based omega-3’s, called alpha-linoleic acids than walnut or canola oil.

So, how do you add these little wonders into your diet?

Sprinkle toasted flaxseeds on your cereal or oatmeal.

Add them to salads for a nutty crunch.

Sprinkle a little on your fruit and yogurt.

Grind them up and add them to soups, stews and smoothies.

Mix a little ground flaxseed into homemade piecrusts, or breads.

Keep flaxseeds in an airtight container in the refrigerator for best storage, and introduce them into your diet for better health. You might just find you enjoy the added flavor!

photo: Glasshouse Images

Power Couples

July 26, 2012

In any great coupling, each partner brings out the best in the other.
This is also true with food. Here a few foods that not only taste delicious, but enhance one another’s health benefits when eaten together:

Steak and rosemary:

The rosmarinic and carnosic acids in rosemary stop the cancer causing heterocyclic amines from forming on grilled meat.

Chop a few sprigs of rosemary and mix with olive oil, salt, ground black pepper, crushed garlic and balsamic vinegar to create a tasty marinade for steak and protect your body from the effects of grilling.

Salmon and Broccoli:

Many fish, such as salmon, are rich in selenium, which protects the thyroid and helps fight cancer.
Broccoli contains sulphoraphane, which makes the cancer fighting power 13 times stronger than if the fish were eaten alone. Mixing a spicy condiment, such as wasabi, can double the cancer fighting properties in the broccoli.

One of our favorite ways to enjoy salmon is to serve it with broccoli and soba noodles, in a brothy sauce made of garlic, ginger, soy sauce, sesame oil and a little sriracha hot sauce. A delicious meal, that wards off cancer!

Red Wine and Almonds:

The resveratrol in red wine and the high vitamin E levels in almonds thin the blood and help improve the flow of the blood vessels.

‘Nuf said.

Tea with Lemon:

The vitamin C in lemon enhances the absorption of catechins, the disease-fighting antioxidant in tea, which also burns fat.  Adding the lemon can enhance the absorption of the catechins by 300%! Try green tea for an extra wallop!

Spinach and Mushrooms:

Mushrooms are a great source of vitamin D, which helps the calcium in the spinach seep into your body to fortify the bones.

Sauté a diced shallot in a little olive oil and add the mushrooms. Cook until browned and the liquid they give off is absorbed. Add the spinach and season with salt and pepper. Mix until the spinach wilts. Add a squirt of lemon juice before serving and enjoy the flavor while strengthening your skeleton!

Add some of these simple to prepare power couples into your diet and reap the benefits of their relationship!

photos: Glasshouse Images