Posts Tagged ‘new dietary guidelines’

Food Rules

February 1, 2011

Yesterday, the government released its updated food and nutritional guidelines for 2010. No big surprises here, except that it took a large team of government appointed experts to come up with it. In a nutshell, it’s everything we should already know:

  • Eat less and exercise more.
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and less fast food.
  • Eat lean meats and seafood, and less fatty foods.
  • Cut sugar and sodium intake, and drink more water.
  • Eat less of the white stuff, and more whole grains.

Sound like a no- brainer? Then why aren’t more Americans doing this?

Statistics show that a whopping 72% of all men, and 64% of all women in this country are over weight. Clearly, it will take more than good advice to end the obesity epidemic.
What would it take you to change your eating habits for good?

photo: Glasshouse Images