Hot Tips Tuesday: Winter Feet


News flash: Spring is coming! It may take awhile, and we may sustain more polar vortex incidents along the way, but it will, in fact come. Don’t be caught by surprise when sandal season arrives and your feet are simply not ready.

The cold temperatures and dry air wreck havoc on our skin, and although they remain covered, it takes a toll on our feet. Running doesn’t help, causing blisters and callouses on top of dry, cracked soles.
Alas, there is an inexpensive and easy way to solve the problem.
Slather Vaseline or Aquaphor in a thick layer on the soles of your feet, massage a little into the tops and toes, and put on a pair of heavy socks. Depending on your preference, either go to the gym and work out, or go to sleep. The petroleum jelly will soften all the callouses, prevent chafing ( if you run: no worries about that if you just sleep!) and leave your feet baby soft after just a couple of treatments. A simple soak in the bathtub and a pumice stone will slough off the old skin and leave you with soft, presentable soles.
You’re welcome.

photo: Glasshouse Images

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